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St Ives (Hunts) GC

Membership Selector

Existing Members

As an existing member we will automatically move you onto our in-house flexi membership on 1st July 2022 unless you tell us in writing not to. Our ‘new’ credit schedule is below and is almost exactly the same as the current one meaning the number of credits you pay for your golf will not change. We will move all of your home and away credits to the new in-house scheme on 1st July and you will lose your home play more golf points. You will retain your away play more golf points until you are due to renew. This means we will essentially ‘double’ your away points. Your points on the in-house scheme will show up on you club V1 app as ‘pounds’ in your flexi wallet. This will be an additional wallet on your members card which currently has your clubhouse and driving range balances on it. Please note that 100 credits will show as £100, and each round will be charged where one credit = £1 from the wallet. These credits (£s) have no redeemable financial value. So, once you are setup you will continue to book tee times through the Club v1 app, online or via the golf shop. Each time you play we will deduct the points for your round in line with the schedule below. Renewal When your membership comes up for renewal, we have added a new layer of flexibility that we hope will help members get the most out of their membership. We will now offer three renewal options as below. We will send your renewal notice as normal.



Flexible Membership Pricing Structure

Annual MembershipBronzeSilverGold



Top Up Bundles:

50 – £200

100 – £370

150 – £485



Improved Value:
Bringing the membership in house has afforded us the ability to add some new benefits to our flexi golf members which are outlined below.


The key differences are proposed to be:


Full MembershipCredit Membership
15% drinks discount10% drinks discount
Reduced range tokensReduced range tokens
All competitionsAll competitions exc club champs (Credit Price)
Team GolfTeam Golf (Credit Price)
Voting Member
Election as officer/committee member
Discounted Lessons
Achieve and maintain handicapAchieve and maintain handicap
Free Social Membership (friends & family)
Member Guest RatesPoint rate of 10 points per guest



Competition Entry
You will now be able to play in a larger number of competitions and matches as outlined below.


Medals and Stablefords – Tee time + Entry Fee
Board Comps (Exc Club Champ) – 10 credits
Team Match – 5 credits + Food Knock Out – 15 credits



Credit Matrix

6am – 9am777771010
9am – 11am777771010
11am -1pm6766699
1pm – 3pm5555577
3pm – 5pm4444455
After 5pm4444444


6am – 9am6666699
9am – 11am6666699
11am -1pm5655588
1pm – 3pm4444444
3pm – 5pm4444444
After 5pm4444444



Playing Other Clubs
You will no longer be able to use your credits to play at other clubs in the Play More Golf network. You will however be able to redeem any of your points, not just the away points, to play our reciprocal clubs. These are currently Haverhill, Wellingborough and Sleaford and this list will grow this year. You can arrange to play these courses through the club office for a fixed cost of 7 credits subject to availability.